Thursday, February 18, 2010

I dont know how to say goodbye.
i thought all this was behind me. the hurt,the anguish,the sense of betreyal.the pain of my heart breaking all over again. but i guess i was wrong.
i dont know wat to say or how.
just to come so close to a dream and watch it shatter,standing there and unable to do anything about it..
And now there are a million unanswered questions. why doesnt this misery end if i've already taken the next step ?
I've said everything in my thoughts a thousand times over yet cant to you. After all this time you arent a stranger and yet you arent mine.
And everytime i go through this,something dies inside me.Is this the love we dreamt of ? where we can't talk to each other,can't be there for each other,can't understand each other,and yet wont leave each other ?
I'm ready to take the blame a thousand times over just for one hour of respite.
Just a hint of happiness.
And i know that two years down the line, i might even be able to turn back and look at this with just a shadow of the pain i'm feeling now, but till then...
Till then...


exploring this stupid thing!!! said...

want to say something..something that could make u feel better...but just dont kno wat exactly to say..
but im here...

Sanghamitra said...

thanks... i guess i'm already feeling better just knowin that you are there :-)

exploring this stupid thing!!! said...
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